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Time to cleanse; Spring is in the AIR!

emotional wellbeing masterplan Aug 31, 2023
Feeling rejuvenated with spring in the air!

Full Orange Super Moon ...

The last 2 days we have been treated with the amazing phenomenon where the moon appears larger and brighter in the sky, and even orange when appearing on the horizon at sunset.

I have always been fascinated by the various phases of the moon and in particular the full moon. The moon goes through phases in a cyclical pattern and to me that compares to the cycles of life, nature, personal experiences and the business lifecycle from humble beginnings at start up to maturity and eventually decline. 

It reminds us that after darkness of the new moon, light comes and after endings new beginnings appear. In this sense, the full moon symbolizes a state of being whole, complete and fulfilled. Just as a full moon lightens up the night sky, it can symbolize moments of clarity, insight and understanding.

Spring is in the air!

The full moon brings us a double opportunity this time, as we are also at the transition to a new season, spring is in the air! The moon's changing phase can symbolize transformation and the inevitability of change. Let's celebrate, like other cultures are celebrating full moons for joy and unity! Spring suggests a sense off renewal, growth and the arrival of warmer weather. During spring, plants start to bloom, animals become more active, and the days are getting longer. It's a time often associated with a fresh start and a feeling of optimism.

In order to make the best of the upcoming Spring Season, many take the time to clean and cleanse. "Cleansing" can refer to a variety of practices aimed at refreshing different aspects of your life, whether it is your living space, your body or your mind, and I strongly advice to also apply it to your business.

How to cleanse?

There are different ways to approach cleansing, and this can be highly personal. What works for you, might not work for someone else, so it's important to find approaches that resonate with you and contribute positively to your overall well-being.

Check out the following 5 ways of cleansing:

  1. Physical Cleansing:
    • Body: Engage in a healthy lifestyle by eating nutritious foods, drinking plenty of water, and exercising regularly. You might also consider periodic detox diets or cleanses but be sure to consult a healthcare professional before making significant changes to your diet.
    • Personal Hygiene: Regularly take showers, brush your teeth, and practice good hygiene habits to keep your body clean. My favorite is to always finish your shower with a cold shower (3 seconds to 3 minutes).
  2. Mental and Emotional Cleansing:
    • Meditation: Engage in mindfulness meditation to clear your mind, reduce stress, and promote mental clarity.
    • Journaling: Write down your thoughts and feelings to help process emotions and gain mental clarity. My favorite journalling is the 90-day unstoppable journal, where you set your 90-day goals (max 3) and break them down in monthly goals, weekly activities and daily journalling. This really gets the most important things done!
    • Gratitude Practice: Focus on the positive aspects of your life through gratitude exercises. This can help shift your mindset and promote a more positive outlook. I have my 3 "to be grateful for's" daily in my journal.
    • Letting Go: Practice letting go of negative emotions and attachments that might be weighing you down. This could involve forgiveness, accepting the past, and moving forward.
  3.  Environmental Cleansing:
    • Decluttering: Clean and organize your living space by getting rid of things you no longer need. A clutter-free environment can promote a sense of calm and clarity.
    • Cleaning Rituals: Engage in regular cleaning of your living spaces to keep them fresh and free from dirt and dust.
  4. Social Cleansing:
    • Relationships: Assess your personal and business relationships and consider distancing yourself from toxic or negative influences. Surround yourself with people who uplift and support you.
    • Digital Detox: Take breaks from social media and digital devices to reduce mental clutter and promote real-life interactions.
  5. Spiritual Cleansing:
    • Prayer and Meditation: Engage in spiritual practices that align with your beliefs to seek guidance, peace, and connection.
    • Nature Connection: Spend time in nature to connect with the natural world and find a sense of serenity. I visited the rainforest in Far North Queensland a few weeks ago and our guide advised to always take off your shoes to get connected with the earth. 

And what about business cleansing at the start of Spring?

In the context of a business, "cleansing" can refer to various practices aimed at improving efficiency, effectiveness, and overall performance. You want to make sure that your personal, financial and business goals are reviewed, aligned and cleansed accordingly. This will bring you the energy to accelerate business value growth and be ready to exit when the window of opportunity arises. Your business value growth advisor can help you with the Master Plan to kick start this process.



One of the unexpected by-products of the past pandemic is a growing army of founders who have decided to sell as soon as they can stabilize their business. This means that many businesses are currently being presented on the market.

If you are thinking about getting out, consider getting your readiness score by answering 12 simple questions. It’s free and will have you thinking differently about the road ahead.


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