$895.00 AUD

Keep Going for Gold - Value Program (monthly)

Going from Reactive to Pro-active can make a significant difference in the success of your business exit.  

It truly takes time to prepare for a future business exit, whether it be in 2 years or in 10 years from now, both you and your business will be better off when you are both Best in Class.

But how to make sure you do spend that time on the right priorities.

You are here, because you have asked yourself the question: "am I as proactive as I can be or mostly re-active? 

The biggest challenge we all have is that there is always work to do! And what kind of work you end up doing is mostly not the work that moves the needle. Aren’t we all very busy business owners because of all the fires that come our way and all the staff, customer, supplier and other challenges that suddenly seem to appear when we had something totally different in mind for the day?? 

As Exit Planner Karin Rook mentions: "What I’ve learned in running my own multi-million dollar company, was that most of the work I managed to get done was usually reactive. But when I had a result coach, I was held more accountable, I had a task manager and that helped me to prioritize better and get my things done."

If you want to build value in your company, you’ll need to make time available to do those projects that do move the needle. Otherwise, you keep running your business and you may run out of gas. 

Work towards a more valuable company that can operate more independent of you, focus on those standard operating systems that make your business more transferable, focus on your health goals to be able to exit better on your terms. 

Register for the “Keep Going for Gold - Value Program” for $895 (incl gst) and get 3 private 15 min sessions per week.

You can trial for one month.

We do not give financial advice, investment advice, tax advice, legal advice or other professional advice. Reference to specific services should not be construed as professional advice. You should always consult a licensed accountant, attorney, or professional.